Thursday, December 31, 2009

A New Decade

Last night we took down the crib. Other than the day it was taken down for our move from the condo to our current home, that crib has been set up for the past 9 years. We bought the crib shortly after telling everyone that we were expecting Becca (I didn't want to have any pregnancy complications that would prohibit me from getting the nursery ready before she came, so it was TOTALLY finished by the time I was six months along), and it has been in use ever since Becca was born.
It felt very surreal taking it down to put up a big-girl-bed for Rachel. We put up the same day bed that we got for Becca just before Ellie came along. That was almost more strange to me. Watching her excitement at being able to get out of bed by herself was very cute.
This morning she got up and ran into the hall as I was going into her room to check on her. She bounced up and down exclaiming "I got out of bed! I got out of bed!" It was very cute.
She stayed in the crib longer than any of my other girls by almost a year, and I have to say that it made the transition a little bit easier....she didn't even fall out of bed once! Hooray!


Leslie said...

Yay for big girl beds! Now the real question is what have you done with the crib hmmmm? In storage? That is certainly where ours is because as soon as I give it away we will have a surprise. Isn't that how it usually works? The snip snip is coming soon at our house. Mark is thrilled about that. Ha ha.

Janelle said...

Way to go! Allie is already out of her crib as of a month ago. She was needing a big girl bed at 17 months though since she could officially climb out then. Rachel is a cutie pie and my kids just love her!

Katie said...

So I guess that means it's time for #5?? ;)

Ben said...

So does that mean I can have your crib?