Thursday, March 26, 2009

Gone with the Wind

How glad I am that "tomorrow is another day." This last week has been exhausting. Rachel got sick, I had preschool at my house, the girls decorated my linen closet with shredded cheese, my front room with macaroni and cheese, my kitchen with flour paste (their own concoction), and my bathroom with toothpaste.
The weather has been cold and wet (despite my efforts to be grateful for the mountain snow I am ready for SPRING), and I have not been sleeping well.
SO, I have not posted anything for over a week, but last night I actually accomplished something that CAN'T BE UNDONE! I finished "Gone with the Wind."
I very nearly put it down with only 200 pages or so to go (for anyone who hasn't read it, it's a long book & I was very close to the end) because Scarlet was driving me nuts. Her tantrums reminded me of my own children's attitudes over the past few days and I was really not enjoying reading about a grown "child" after I put my own kids down to bed. So I was pleasantly surprised that despite the tragedies that occur toward the end of the book that Scarlet actually grew up a little bit, and I realized that if I can have hope in Scarlet's future, perhaps I can have hope in my mess-making-mini-me's.
But really, as I said before, the best thing about finishing the book was just is finished, and even if my kids paint all over the paper now, I finished a project that I wanted to do (and let me say that an accomplishment of any kind this week is a good one :)

...Oooh, I also did my visiting teaching. Wow, it has been a good week!


Meg said...

I am starting to realize how hard it can be to get things done and I only have one very small kid-o to look after. Some days I am amazed at all I did (rarely) and other days I am just glad if the house isn't too much worse than when I started the day.

Kristi said...

I love that! You finished a gigantic book (I was too daunted to even start) and you're so right - it can't be undone. An accomplishment for sure. :)

Janelle said...

I'm glad you finished the book. I now do not want to ever read that! I hope next week goes better!

lori said...

Heather - I just saw your blog link on my mom's computer and had to take a minute to look over your doings. What a busy, delightful little mother you are! I love your sense of humor and your creativity! Glad to have a little peak at what you're up to!