Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Body is a Temple

As I mentioned in my previous post, we wrote Greg's cell phone # on the girls' wrists just in case they wandered off at Disneyland or the Airport. What I didn't mention is that yesterday morning when I got Rachel up (Greg put her down the night before) I was SHOCKED out of my shorts to see that my baby (I realize she's not really a baby anymore, but still...) looked like she had just walked out of a tattoo parlor. Her legs were COVERED with black pen. Listing her name, Becca's name, her other siblings' names, our phone number, and other miscellaneous art. I guess that I forgot to mention to the girls that writing on our bodies is not something that is OK under normal circumstances.
I have given Rachel a couple of baths, but the evidence has not yet washed away. I'm just hoping that by Sunday it will have faded because I somehow lost two pair of black tights on our trip & she will be wearing white stockings on her legs.


Janelle said...

What a smart idea writing the number down on them.....I love it!

Katie said...

Where's the picture?

Emily said...

So funny!